Navigating Financial Support: Should Parents Lean on Their Children for Assistance?

should parents lean on children

In many cultures, including India, it is common for parents to provide for their children financially throughout their lives.

However, the tables may turn as parents reach retirement age and face financial difficulties, prompting them to consider seeking financial help from their children.

This article explores the pros and cons of asking your children for financial help and offers alternative solutions for maintaining financial independence.


Pros of Seeking Financial Help from Children

Emotional support: In addition to providing financial assistance, children can also offer emotional support to their parents during difficult times. This can help strengthen family bonds and create a sense of unity.

Easing financial burdens: When parents face unexpected financial hardships, their children’s support can help alleviate stress and provide peace of mind.

Sharing responsibilities: Asking children for financial assistance can also help distribute family responsibilities more evenly, allowing both parents and children to contribute to the family’s well-being.


Cons of Seeking Financial Help from Children

Strained relationships: Money matters can cause tension and strain in relationships, especially when expectations differ between parents and children. This can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Financial dependency: Relying on children for financial support may limit parents’ autonomy and create a sense of dependency, which can be emotionally challenging.

Impact on children’s financial stability: Providing financial assistance to parents can put additional pressure on children who may already be juggling their own financial responsibilities, such as raising a family, paying off student loans, or saving for retirement.


Alternative Solutions

Before deciding to ask children for financial help, parents should consider the following alternatives:

Financial planning: Creating a solid financial plan, including setting aside an emergency fund and investing in a diverse portfolio, can help parents prepare for unforeseen expenses and maintain financial independence.

Government assistance: Exploring government-sponsored financial assistance programs for senior citizens, such as pensions, healthcare, and subsidised housing, can provide much-needed support without burdening children.

Reverse mortgage: A reverse mortgage allows homeowners to convert a portion of their home equity into cash, which can be used to cover living expenses and healthcare costs without selling the property.

Downsizing: Selling a larger home and moving to a smaller, more affordable property can help reduce living expenses and generate funds to cover future needs.

Part-time or freelance work: Depending on health and skill set, seniors can consider part-time or freelance work to supplement their income and maintain financial independence.


Asking children for financial help is a personal decision that should be considered carefully, considering the potential impact on family dynamics and the well-being of parents and children.

By exploring alternative solutions, parents can work towards maintaining financial independence while preserving healthy relationships with their children.

Open communication and understanding between family members are crucial for navigating these challenging financial situations.