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Common Sense Investing: Proven Lessons from "The Little Book of Common Sense Investing" by John C. Bogle

lessons from little book

Table of Contents

“The Little Book of Common Sense Investing” by John C. Bogle offers several key lessons for successful investing. Some of the key points include:


The importance of low-cost index funds

The book emphasises the importance of investing in low-cost index funds to achieve long-term investment success.

Bogle argues that index funds are more efficient and cost-effective than actively managed funds, as they provide broad market exposure at a low cost.


The benefits of diversification

The book stresses the importance of diversifying one’s portfolio across different asset classes and sectors to reduce risk.

Bogle explains that diversification helps to spread risk across different investments and can lead to higher returns over time.


The dangers of actively managed funds

The book also highlights the dangers of investing in actively managed funds and the potential for high fees and underperformance.

Bogle argues that actively managed funds often fail to beat the market, and their high fees can eat into returns.


The importance of patience

The book encourages readers to be patient and not time the market or make frequent trades, as this can lead to lower returns.

Bogle stresses the importance of long-term investing and how it can lead to higher returns over time.


The benefits of long-term investing

The book also emphasises the benefits of long-term investing and how it can lead to higher returns over time.

Bogle explains that by investing for the long term, you can ride out market fluctuations and achieve higher returns over time.


The importance of avoiding market timing

The book also covers the importance of avoiding market timing and how it can be detrimental to one’s investment returns.

Bogle explains that trying to time the market is futile and that focusing on long-term investing is better.


The benefits of rupee-cost averaging

The book also explains the benefits of dollar-cost averaging and how it can help in reducing the risk of buying at the wrong time.

Bogle explains that by investing a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, you can reduce the risk of buying at the top of the market.


The importance of having a well-defined investment plan

The book also stresses the importance of having a well-defined investment plan and sticking to it.

Bogle encourages readers to have a clear investment strategy and to stick to it, even during market fluctuations.

He explains that having a well-defined investment plan can help in avoiding impulsive decisions and sticking to one’s long-term goals.


The importance of minimising taxes

The book also covers the importance of minimising taxes and how it can help in increasing overall returns.

Bogle explains the importance of considering tax-efficient investment options and strategies to minimise tax liability.


The importance of avoiding unnecessary risk

The book also emphasises the importance of avoiding unnecessary risk and how it can lead to lower returns.

Bogle encourages readers to assess the risk involved in any investment and to only take on the level of risk that is necessary to achieve their goals.