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Which future will you have?
The one you choose or the one that happens by default

We believe everyone, regardless of how much money they have, can take control of their financial future and make a plan to reach their goals and achieve their purpose. Goals are the tangible results you seek, while your purpose is the intangible that makes pursuing these goals meaningful.


What is financial planning?

Find out what planning can do for you, no matter where you are in life.

Why is financial planning important?

See how planning helps you take control of your tomorrow.

Discover how Credible can help you reach your goals

Learn how to get a plan, and explore professional guidance.

What is financial planning?

Financial planning helps you understand where you are today and create a roadmap to get you where you want to be. Planning is personalized to you—whether you’re saving for a single goal, like retirement, or need comprehensive planning and wealth management.

  • Discover your purpose
  • Define your goals aligned to your purpose
  • Consider all aspects of your financial life
  • Identify action steps
  • Create an investment strategy tailored to your goals

6 Common Planning Topics

Why is financial planning important?

Financial planning helps you take control of your future:

  • Feel more confident about reaching your financial goals
  • Save for milestones like children’s education and retirement
  • Build an investment portfolio tailored to your goals
  • Know where you want to go and how to stay on track
Effect of Plan
How Credible can help you reach your goals?

Professional guidance to create a personalised plan and investment strategy.