Financial Wisdom from the Arthashastra: Balancing Governance and Prosperity

Financial wisdom from arthashastra

The Arthashastra is an ancient Indian text that contains teachings on various aspects of governance, including financial wisdom.

Here are a few key principles found in the Arthashastra:


“A king should not take too much from his subjects, nor should he give them nothing. By taking too much, he will exhaust his kingdom, and by giving nothing, he will exhaust his people.” 

This principle suggests that a ruler should be fair and just in his taxation policies.

Taking too much from his subjects will lead to their exhaustion, and giving nothing will lead to the exhaustion of the kingdom’s resources. It highlights the importance of balance and fairness in taxation and the negative consequences of over-taxation and mismanagement of resources.

It encourages a ruler to balance the needs of the kingdom and its people.


“Wealth should be accumulated by lawful means, and not by unjust means.” 

This principle emphasises the importance of ethical behaviour in earning wealth.

It suggests that wealth should be earned through lawful means and not through unjust or illegal means.

It encourages individuals to earn money ethically and not to use illegal or immoral means.


“The king should encourage trade and commerce and protect the rights of merchants.” 

This principle suggests that a ruler should create an environment that is conducive to trade and commerce and protect the rights of merchants.

It highlights the importance of a stable and fair economy for the prosperity of the kingdom and its people.

It encourages the ruler to create an environment that is favourable for trade and commerce and to protect the rights of merchants and traders.


“The king should establish a system of justice and enforce laws to protect the rights of citizens.” 

This principle suggests that a ruler should establish a system of justice and enforce laws to protect the rights of citizens.

It highlights the importance of a fair and just society for the prosperity of the kingdom and its people.

It encourages the ruler to establish laws that protect the rights of citizens and ensure that justice is served.


“The king should maintain a strong treasury to ensure the security and stability of the kingdom.” 

This principle suggests that a ruler should maintain a strong treasury to ensure the security and stability of the kingdom.

It highlights the importance of financial stability and security for the prosperity of the kingdom and its people.

It encourages the ruler to maintain a strong financial position for the kingdom.


“The king should invest in infrastructure, agriculture and other productive sectors to improve the economy.” 

This principle suggests that a ruler should invest in infrastructure, agriculture, and other productive sectors to improve the economy.

It highlights the importance of investment in productive sectors to improve the economy and the living standards of the citizens.

It encourages the ruler to invest in sectors that would improve the economy and benefit the citizens.



In summary, the Arthashastra offers valuable insights on the importance of balance, fairness, ethical behavior, protection of rights, financial stability, and investment in productive sectors in managing a kingdom’s finances.

It encourages rulers to create an environment that is conducive to trade and commerce, to establish a system of justice, to maintain a strong treasury, and to invest in infrastructure, agriculture and other productive sectors to improve the economy and living standards of the citizens.

These principles can also be applied to modern-day financial management, as they encourage individuals to act fairly, ethically, responsibly, and with long-term vision in managing their own finances.