The Importance of Prioritising Time for Happiness and Fulfillment

prioritising time for happiness

In our fast-paced world, it’s too easy to get caught up in pursuing material wealth and success, leaving little time for the things that truly bring joy and fulfilment.


The widespread belief that money leads to happiness is not supported by research.


The belief that more money leads to more happiness is a widely held myth. Studies have shown that while a certain level of income is necessary to meet basic needs and reduce stress related to financial insecurity, beyond that point, there is little correlation between income and happiness.

In fact, some research has found that people who place a high value on money and material possessions tend to have lower levels of well-being and life satisfaction than those who place less importance on these things.

This is because material wealth alone does not bring long-term happiness or fulfilment. Rather, the relationships, experiences, and engagement activities that we have in our lives are more closely tied to our well-being.

So, while having a comfortable income can provide some benefits, it’s not a guarantee of happiness, and it’s important to focus on the other factors that contribute to well-being, such as spending time with loved ones, engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfilment, and cultivating positive relationships and experiences.


Time is a more valuable resource for well-being.

The concept of time is central to the idea of well-being and the pursuit of happiness.

Time is unique because it is both a constant and a limited resource. No matter who we are or what we do, we all have the same 24 hours in a day, and once that time has passed, it cannot be regained.

Time can be seen as a measure of change, and how we experience time can shape our perception of the world around us.

It is a fundamental aspect of our existence, and how we use our time can determine the quality of our lives and experiences.

We can prioritise our well-being and make the most of each moment by valuing and managing our time effectively.


Prioritising time for activities that bring happiness is essential for well-being.

Research has shown that spending time on activities that bring joy and fulfilment, also known as “engagement activities,” is positively associated with happiness and well-being, regardless of income level.

Engagement activities fully absorb and challenge us, leading to feelings of flow and satisfaction.

Examples include hobbies, creative pursuits, physical activities, and volunteer work.

By contrast, passively consuming media or spending time on activities that do not bring fulfilment and joy, such as aimless browsing or excessive screen time, has been linked to lower levels of well-being.

Therefore, it’s important to prioritise engagement activities in our daily routines and allocate time for them regularly, as they can help to boost our happiness and overall well-being, regardless of financial status.

Time is not only a resource for our well-being, but it is also the foundation of our well-being.

How we use our time reflects our values and priorities, and our choices about how to spend our time can profoundly impact our happiness and overall quality of life.


Cultural and societal norms often encourage prioritising money and material wealth.

Cultural and societal norms often place a high value on money and material wealth, leading many individuals to prioritise financial success and material possessions over other aspects of their lives.

The message that material wealth is synonymous with success and happiness is pervasive in media, advertising, and popular culture, making it easy to internalise the belief that money and possessions are the keys to a happy life.

However, as mentioned earlier, research has shown that beyond meeting basic needs and reducing financial stress, money and material possessions do not bring long-term happiness or fulfilment.

In fact, a focus on material wealth and success can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction. It can negatively impact the well-being, as it often leads to a lack of time for meaningful relationships and engagement activities.

It’s important to recognise and challenge cultural and societal norms that encourage a focus on material wealth and instead prioritise aspects of life that bring joy, fulfilment, and happiness, such as spending time with loved ones, engaging in hobbies and creative pursuits, and contributing to the well-being of others.

Doing so can create a more balanced and fulfilling life experience that prioritises well-being over material success.


Practical tips for prioritising time and activities that bring happiness.

  • Make a schedule: Set aside specific times for engagement activities that bring joy and fulfilment, and stick to them as much as possible. This could include time for hobbies, creative pursuits, physical activities, or volunteer work.

  • Set priorities: Identify the activities that are most important to you and prioritise them. Make time for the activities that bring you the most happiness and fulfilment, even if they may not be the most financially lucrative.

  • Limit distractions: Avoid distractions like social media, email, and excessive screen time, especially during your designated engagement time. This will help you fully immerse yourself in the activity and experience the benefits it provides.

  • Plan time with loved ones: Spending time with loved ones is one of the most important contributors to happiness and well-being. Make time for the people who matter most to you, whether it’s through weekly family dinners, regular outings with friends, or date nights with a significant other.

  • Engage in self-care practices: Self-care practices like getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in regular exercise can help boost happiness and well-being. Make time for self-care practices, and prioritise them as much as possible.

  • Make time for reflection: Regularly reflecting on your life, values, and goals can help you prioritise activities that bring you joy and fulfilment and make decisions that align with those priorities.


Finding happiness and fulfilment in life is about prioritising the things that truly matter. 
Embracing this perspective and making time for what truly matters can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life experience.